Man Needs Me


Without me, civilization would fall. You may not have heard a great deal about me, but I am a very important goddess.  I am so essential that I receive a portion of all sacrifices and I am the first mentioned when oaths are sworn ( even before Zeus!)  Both, Apollo and Poseidon, sought to marry me. I , however, vowed to stay a virgin. I am the goddess of the fire that sustains human life. Goddess of the hearth. I am Hestia.

I govern the hearth of the home and ,subsequently, your ability to cook food. I govern the fire that warms your home. I rule domestic stability; the most basic, but essential parts of your daily life. Most other Olympians are too busy with their own affairs to tend to human needs. Other gods seemed to only be interested in humans in they have something to gain (love, sex, glory, etc.)  There are few other gods so interested in your mortal concerns.

There are very few temples dedicated to me, but I am represented and honored in all cities. I not only represent the domestic hearth, but also the communal hearth. I am the fires that light the cities. The communal hearth is a symbol of civic integrity. It is here that important guests are welcomed into a city. At civic events and ceremonies, I am honored before all other gods and goddesses.

If you understand the importance of the home and hearth in human civilization, then you should revere me before all others. I represent the things that keep you safe, warm, and fed. I may not have been glorified by poets, but I am more essential to and concerned with your survival than those other adulterous, scheming, violent, often irrational gods and goddesses. Lastly, I am an immobile goddess centered and anchored to the home. Your home. More than any other god could or would be, I will always be there.

Works Cited

Larsen, Jennifer. Ancient Greek Cults: A Guide. New York: Routledge, 2007.

Powell, Barry B. Classical Myth. Harlow: Prentice Hall, 2008. PDF.

4 thoughts on “Man Needs Me

  1. Queenbab00n, you make a thoughtful point about your Goddess. I enjoyed your plea to the heart of mankind to recognize your goddess as the “anchor” the home and family. Though I enjoyed your position I would like to remind you without Prometheus there would be no mankind to pay tribute to you or the other gods. So I ask you which god is more deserving of mans tributes.

    This was a fun post I really did enjoy your post and saw that you put time and effort into choosing your god.


  2. I think this is a very reasonable goddess to follow! For one I like the idea that she cares about mortals whereas most other gods only look to complete their own ends or have intercourse. Also who can argue with having a good place to rest and eat? Hestia seems pretty good to me!


  3. Reasonable yes, but absolutely essential? I am not so sure. Although, I certainly appreciate her more modest concerns, I live for the excitement the other gods can provide.


  4. Thank you for picking Hestia. She’s actually one of the most worshipped of the Greek goddesses, but we don’t have stories or picture about her, so we can’t really talk about her through myth, besides Hesiod’s creation story. So I can see why you couldn’t find any media to put on the page.


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