Who is Behind the Pumpkin’s Smile?

Many a drunken Irish moon ago there once lived one of the most notorious, lazy and all around scoundrels in the Emerald Isles. His name is so unknown it is only synonymous with Samhain, All Hallows Eve or Halloween for today’s generation. Jack was known by many names: Drunk Jack, Jack the Smith, Stingy Jack, and of course Jack of the Lantern. All of these names refer to a being so cunning he tricked Lucifer, Loki, Coyote, Hades or whatever you want to call the master of evil, treachery and cunning in giving him more time at life.
So let us understand the hunger of Stingy Jack. Jack wanted nothing but to live a full life and not be hampered by good, evil or work. Now Jack was a true scoundrel, he would trick locals and steal from the poor. Jack did not think of the consequences and when Lucifer came calling Jack at the local tavern Ol’ Jack was unprepared. The situation was dire but Jack had a rapier sharp mind. He tricked Lucifer into allowing him to get one more pint of ale. When Jack finished his pint he tricked Lucifer into turning into a silver coin to pay the barman. Jack being sharp witted placed the coin into his pocket with a crucifix he carried. Let it not be said that Jack did not at least believe in something. Well, Lucifer did not like his predicament and had to make a deal with Jack. The deal was, Lucifer would be set free from Jack’s pocket if he left Jack and his soul alone for ten years. The agreement was made and Jack walked away happy.
Jack’s hunger to live a longer life is evident. The way he tricks Lucifer into allowing him to live another ten years shows his desire. The situation was dire for our intrepid trickster and he changed it to give him what he wanted. Not only did he get ten years without Lucifer interfering in his life he was able to be the same scoundrel he had always been. This is not the only time Jack tricks Lucifer he does it ten years later and has Lucifer promise Jacks soul will never pass through the gates of Hell. Once again Jack averts tragedy and is left to live his life.
Unfortunately for Jack he did not make a deal with the Angels. Jack ended up dying several years later from his life style. Well Jack was so smart that he had tricked Lucifer so he should be allowed into heaven right, or maybe not? Alas, poor Jack was not able to enter Heaven because he was such a scoundrel. Heaven does not want those who are given not only one chance at a new life but two chances who do not help their fellow man. So Jack swallowed his pride and headed to Hell to face Lucifer. When Jack knocked on the great doors of Hell he was greeted by a smiling Lucifer.
Lucifer the trickster, the cunning one and the one who gets the last laugh is who met Ol’ Jack at the gates. Jack informed Lucifer that heaven would not take his immortal soul and he needs a place to rest his soul. The cunning Lucifer master of trickery reminded Jack of the little traps he made for Lucifer. Jack was also informed of the personal affront Lucifer had faced when Jack had tricked him not once but twice. Jack smiled and agreed he had tricked Lucifer for more time but now he had tricked himself. With a howling laugh Lucifer explained to Jack he must keep his end of the bargain. The bargain being Jack’s soul will never enter Hell. With a weary sense of defeat Jack asked Lucifer what he could do if Heaven and Hell did not want him. Lucifer thought for a moment and gave Jack a spark of hellfire. To this day Jack uses the hellfire spark as a lantern to walk between the worlds of the living and the dead. You see reader, the hellfire lights his way for all eternity.
Now, this tail of deceit is not over. You see, Jack tries to come to this world every Hallows eve and to keep Stingy Jack from entering your home you need to do several things. One, tell your children of Stingy Jack. Two, get a turnip, potato, or gourd and cut out the innards. Three, carve a face of Jack into the root vegetable of choice and finally. Four, place a candle into the cavity to ward off Jack O’ Lantern!

Have a wonderful Halloween!!!

One thought on “Who is Behind the Pumpkin’s Smile?

  1. Interesting. I knew nothing about Jack and his trickster ways. I liked the part about Jack being confronted by Lucifer after he had died. It’s almost like the stories about being asked at Heaven’s gate several question to find out if your worthy of entering Heaven. I didn’t know that Hell had similar entrance exam. I liked reading your post.


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