Lexa’s Hero Journey (Spoilers for the 100 Season 2)

  1. Ordinary World: Lexa from the 100 is the leader of Grounders, which is people that have stayed on Earth during an apocalypse. She hasn’t been leader long, but is enjoying being a leader and not having any problems during her leadership.
  2. Call to Adventure: Lexa hears that one of her towns within her tribe is slaughtered by a man named Finn, who is a part of the Sky People that have been tormenting her ever since they showed up out of the blue. Then, two men of the Sky People are taken hostage.
  3. Refusal of the Call: Lexa knows what to do and actually doesn’t refuse the call, she embraces it. She wants to be a hero and helhelp her people.
  4. Meeting with the Mentor: Lexa’s mentor is her leader before her. Women are the leaders of the Grounders, while men simply just guard the leader, and the woman (Anya) before her, had died.
  5. Crossing the Threshold: Lexa’s innocent looks work amazingly as her guards put her in rags and make her look as if she is just a normal Grounder. She decides to step into unknown territory with only a knife and is thrown into the cage with the two Sky People so that she may gather information about the slaughter of her tribe.
  6. Tests, Allies and Enemies: The two people don’t know Lexa is a skilled leader, and think that she is just an innocent girl that they sent into the cage with them because they wanted someone to watch them but that’s all. She is threatened to be killed by one Sky person, while the other defends her. She decides who her ally is and who the enemy is.
  7. Approach: She disarms the Sky Person who threatened her and throws him out, but keeps the one who protected her to discuss peace between the two people. The peace she offers isn’t as good as what people wanted, but its peace.
  8. The Ordeal: Clark (Leader of the Sky People) tells Lexa of a new danger, that people within a mountain are taking both of their people and holding them hostage while doing awful things to them. Clark asks for Lexa’s help, an alliance, so that they can storm into the mountain and rescue their people. Lexa agrees, but wants the Sky Person that killed her 18 people. “Blood must have Blood”. After long fighting over the matter, Clark hands the person over (someone she loves) and he is killed. This death has made an alliance.
  9. The Reward: The alliance will bring the people back to Lexa, but Lexa finds something else within it. Lexa falls in love with Clark, and Clark has developed feelings for Lexa. There are missiles that Lexa protects Clark from, and many other things that make it so Lexa has difficulty with the possibility of losing Clark and the alliance.
  10. The Road Back: After a missile kills many of Clark and Lexa’s people, they decide they must rescue their people now and stop celebrations and such. That they need to get their people back.
  11. The Resurrection: Lexa makes a difficult decision. She makes a deal with the Mountain Men that all her people will be given back to her and they will retreat without a battle, but Clark’s people will not be returned. Lexa takes her entire army, leaving Clark alone and scared, not knowing what to do because her people will die.
  12. The Elixir: Lexa is a new person, she just betrayed the person she loves, but is a herhero to her people because she got so many back. She is changed, but has succeeded in bringing her people back. If it wasn’t for her innocent appearance in the very beginning of the story, she would have never known that peace could have occurred in the first place, and because of the “faulty” alliance, the Mountain Men made a deal with her.

    I wanted to do a hero who could also be seen as an enemy. Lexa is a hero to her people, even if she isn’t to others.  Here is the scene of which she uses her innocent charm as a strength.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuKMVccJ_GQ

4 thoughts on “Lexa’s Hero Journey (Spoilers for the 100 Season 2)

  1. I love Lexa! The 100 is one of my favorite shows and I’m so glad you picked Lexa as opposed to Clark. I think Lexa’s character is just so much more interesting. Great post, you really covered her personality well!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yay! Someone watches the 100. I love her as well even though her choices are pretty messed up. Clark is too easy to do for this assignment and Lexa is definitely my favorite! Thank you for the comment!


  2. I wish I knew who you were talking about. I personally got bored with the show. But thats just me. She seems as if she is a good and successful heroine who has had to make some difficult choices.


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