Welcome to Humanities 115: World Mythology

Hi folks.  Thanks for jumping through the extra hoops to register with WordPress.  I greatly prefer this format to the discussion board on the course shell, and I’ve found that class discussion is generally livelier here.  I will also be asking you to post images and videos at certain points throughout the semester, and it’s much easier to do so here.

You’ll still need to refer to the class schedule for readings and the course shell for specific writing prompts.  But all the discussion will take place here. If you have any questions about the technology, I’m happy to answer them, but you should also see if the WordPress help page might have the answer to your question.  For example, this page on making posts explains how to do so much clearer than I could.

I’ll try to post things that might be of interest to you in between weekly assignments, but unless I say otherwise, they’re just for your edification and/or amusement, not extra reading.  The internet is a fun (if occasionally vulgar) place to find mythological-related things, and if you find anything of interest, feel free to post them as well.

I look forward to reading your insights over the semester.