The trickster myths are a good read. The myths are also warnings of the treachery of mankind and the world. William Hynes’ gave six characteristics of the trickster.

  1. Ambiguous and Anonymous personality
  2. Deceiver or Trick player
  3. Shapeshifter
  4. Situation-invertor
  5. Messenger / imitator of the Gods
  6. Sacred / Lewe Bricoleur

Loki’s character is ambiguous. Loki is a good travelling companion to Thor and always tricks him whenever Thor is not looking or aware. Loki seems to always find a way to stir the pot of trouble but he seems to always get caught. When caught Loki takes his lumps and the gods accept him back. Odin sees the mischief Loki causes and allows it because it gives credit to those who do not fall for Loki’s tricks.

The Greek God Hermes is a good example of situation-invertor, as a child is aware of his powers and wants to noticed by the god’s and given tribute by mankind. As a new born Hermes tricks Apollo by stealing his cows and slaughtering them. Apollo trails Hermes to his crib and confronts him. Hermes swears an oath but is lying. Zeus is brought in to mediate and he makes the two of them work together. Hermes plays his lyre for Apollo and Apollo is so mesmerized by the music of the lyre he gives Hermes a golden staff to herd the animals. Hermes is given tribute and Apollo is happy with his lyre.

Many myths have covered shape shifting from Greek to Native American. Zeus has transformed himself into a woman, Thor has also dressed as a woman. In Native American culture coyote and spider have changed their appearances to trick others. The spider Iktome tricks an ignorant girl into sleeping with him. Iktome dresses as an old woman and tricks the girl in believing he has a bad growth that only she can cure.

The trickster I chose to use is Stingy Jack in homage to Halloween. Stingy Jack uses his powers of persuasion to cheat the devil. Stingy Jack changes situations to fit his needs. Stingy Jack scoffs in the face of those who believe they are smarter than he is. Stingy Jack is why we have Halloween pumpkins. Stingy Jack is truly a trickster.

One thought on “

  1. I’ve never heard of Stingy Jack before. I’m looking forward to reading some of your analysis tomorrow. In particular I’d like to see what you would consider his “hunger” to be. After reading everyone’s posts it looks like we’re all going to be in for some good reading this week.


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